Post 3 "My favorite Movie"

Dear all,
Your assignment this week is writing about your favorite movie. 

  Please include:

- What's your favorite movie and why you like it?
- What kind of  movies do you like to watch?
- What is the most recent movie you saw? Do you recommend it?
- Any other piece of information you may consider important.

- Number of words: 180
- Leave comments on at least 3 of your classmates' posts + a comment in your teacher's post. 

After years my favorite movie still Big Fish. The reason why I like this movie is because it has a special meaning for me and lots of symbolisms that somehow reminds me my family. 
This movie is a mixture of real life and fantasy, where a giant, a werewolf and a witch among many other characters are part of Edward Bloom's journey, and this is something very particular about it, the fact that you can find many branches as part of the same story.
Another factor that makes this movie more beautiful is the soundtrack, were most of the songs are composed by the great Danny Elfman and the main song "Man of the Hour" by Pearl Jam. And moreover the casting because it has excellent actors like Ewan McGregor, Helena Bonham Carter, Steve Buscemi, Danny DeVito, among others. But there is one thing that stands out and this is the ending, this movie has the best ending I have ever seen,  and even after watching it many times I still feel the same as if it were the first time.


  1. Hello!
    To be honest I have never seen that movie, however I looked for the main song "Man of the Hour" and I really liked it a lot, in fact I feel that it gives a feeling of tranquility, just beautiful!

  2. Hi miss, I saw Big Fish a couple of months ago and I really enjoyed it, the atmosphere creates a simply great narrative and the ending is very nostalgic. Besides, I laughed a lot at the scene from Winslow's poem haha.

  3. Hello miss, I've never actually seen that movie but it looks interesting. I hope to see it soon and have some opinion about it.

  4. Personally, i don't like Big Fish it is too magic for me. Although, i have to admit that the ending is very beatiful and moving.

  5. Hello teacher! Personally, I've never seen that movie, but I found it interesting. It's amazing how movies can mark our lives, touch our hearts and remain in our memories. Greetings.

  6. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  7. Hello teacher. To be honest, I haven't seen "Big Fish", but based on your description of the plot and my admiration towards Tim Burton's work, I'll probably watch it soon. Greetings...

  8. Hi miss, I honestly haven't seen the movie, but I will definitely watch it, because I like fantasy and the actors who act in this one are really good. Also, usually the endings of some movies disappoint me, but this one generated great expectations for me.

  9. Hi miss! Like a couple of my classmates, I've never seen Big Fish before, but after reading your post I think there are a lot of motives to watch this movie!

  10. Hello teacher, like a lot of my classmates, i've never seen that movie, but you descripcion about it is great so i think i will see it soon. Regards.

  11. Hi miss! actually I 've never seen Big Fish, but after reading your post and realized Helena Bonham Carter it's part of the cast, I would definitely saw the movie, because she does wonderful characters in all the movies I've seen her.

  12. Hello Miss, I find your publication very interesting. I haven't seen the film you mention, but I will certainly watch it because I thought what you described about it was excellent. With the soundtrack where Pearl Jam appears I was convinced. Kisses

  13. Hi, I've never heard of this movie but it sounds fascinating. I love films that have good endings. It's definitely on my list of movies to watch.

  14. Hi miss! I found what you wrote about the movie very interesting. Now it's part of the list of movies I have to see soon!

  15. Hello Miss, to be honest I have never seen the film, however I find very interesting what you tell us about it, I hope soon to see it, greetings

  16. Hi miss. Ewan McGregor, Steve Buscemi and Pearl Jam. That's enough to make it interesting. I will see it.

  17. Hi miss. Ewan McGregor, Steve Buscemi and Pearl Jam. That's enough to make it interesting. I will see it.

  18. Hi miss! I haven't seen the Big Fish, many friends have recommended it to me, I think it's time to see it, thank you very much!


  19. I have always loved this movie. One of Tim Burton's best productions
    and obviously, very romantic

  20. Hello miss! The truth is that I have never seen this movie, but I think that I`ll do, because of the way you comment on it.

  21. Hi miss, I hope you are fine!, Well, I don't like watching movies very much, so I've watched few.
    I haven't watched this movie :( and although fantastic movies don't attract much attention to me, I could give it a try!


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